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Download 2021 JAMB Subjects Combinations



MEDICINE AND SURGERY: Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.

AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

COMPUTER SCIENCE: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and one of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics, and Geography.

BIOCHEMISTRY: Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.

BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: Use of English, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics.

PHYSICS: Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry or Biology.

MATHEMATICS: Use of English, Mathematics and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Biology, and Agricultural Science.

CHEMISTRY: Use of English, Chemistry and two Physics, Biology, and Mathematics.

NURSING: Use of English, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry.

FOOD, SCIENCE, AND TECHNOLOGY: Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics / Physics, and Agricultural Science.

PHARMACY: Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.

INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY: Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics and any of Physics /Biology /Agricultural Science.

FISHERIES: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science and any other Science subject.

GEOLOGY: Use of English and any three Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, and Geography.

GEOGRAPHY: Use of English, Geography, and any two of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Agricultural Science.

SURVEYING AND GEOINFORMATICS: Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology, and Economics.

STATISTICS: Use of English, Mathematics, and any two of Physics, chemistry, agricultural science, and economics.

BUILDING: Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology, and Economics.

MICROBIOLOGY: Use of English, Biology, Chemistry, and either Physics or Mathematics.

BOTANY: Use of English, Biology, Chemistry, and any other Science subject.

ZOOLOGY: Use of English, Biology, and any two of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Biology or Agric Science or Chemistry or Geography.

AGRICULTURE: English, Chemistry, Biology /Agriculture, and any one of Physics and Mathematics.

AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS: English Language, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science, and Mathematics.

AGRIC-EXTENSION: English, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science plus Mathematics or Physics.

AGRONOMY: English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or Mathematics.

ANIMAL PRODUCTION AND SCIENCE: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agric Science, and Physics/Mathematics.

CROP PRODUCTION AND SCIENCE: English, Chemistry, Biology /Agriculture, and Mathematics or Physics.

SOIL SCIENCE: English, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science plus Mathematics or Physics.

VETERINARY SCIENCE: English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology

FORESTRY: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture, and Physics or Mathematics.

CIVIL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

COMPUTER ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

MARINE ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

PETROLEUM AND GAS ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. SYSTEMS ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. PRODUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

ARCHITECTURE: English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology, and Economics.

QUANTITY SURVEYING: Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology, and Economics.

URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING: English, Mathematics, Geography and one of Economics, Physics, Chemistry.

ESTATE MANAGEMENT: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject. ANATOMY: English, Mathematics, Biology, and Chemistry or Physics.

DENTISTRY: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology, and one Science subject.

MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE: English Language, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.


MEDICAL REHABILITATION: Use of English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

PHYSIOLOGY: Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.

PHYSIOTHERAPY: Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.

RADIOGRAPHY: Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.

VETERINARY MEDICINE: Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.


ACCOUNTANCY: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other Social Science subject. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other Social Science subject.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: Use of English, Government, Economics, and any other subject. BANKING AND FINANCE: Use of English, Mathematics, one Social Science subject, and any other subject.

ECONOMICS: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any of Government, History, Geography, Literature in English, French, and CRK/IRK.

DEMOGRAPHY AND SOCIAL STATISTICS: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics/ Geography, and any other subject.

GEOGRAPHY: Use of English, Geography and two other Arts or Social Science subjects.

LIBRARY SCIENCE: Use of English and Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.

MASS COMMUNICATION: Use of English and any three from Arts or Social Science subjects. SOCIOLOGY: Use of English, Three Social Science, or Arts subjects.

POLITICAL SCIENCE: Use of English, Government or History plus two other Social Science/ Arts subjects.

PHILOSOPHY: Use of English, Government, and any other two subjects.

PSYCHOLOGY: Use of English, Any three subjects from Arts or Social Science.

RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Use of English Language, CRK/IRS, and any two other subjects.

SOCIAL WORKS: Use of English Language, Mathematics, Economics/ Geography, and any other subject.

SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY: Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts Subjects.

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant subject.

HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: Use of English, Economics, Government, and any other relevant subjects.

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Use of English, Economics, Literature- in English and Geography /Government / History.

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject.

COOPERATIVE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other subject.

TOURISM: English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other subject.

MARKETING: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant Subject.

INSURANCE: English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject.


ARABIC AND ISLAMIC STUDIES: Use of English, Arabic, and Two subjects from Arts and/or Social Sciences.

CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Use of English, Two Arts subjects including Christian Religious Knowledge, and any other subject.

FINE AND APPLIED ARTS: Use of English Language, Fine Art and two other Arts subjects or Social Science subject.

THEATRE ARTS: Use of English, Lit. in English, and two other relevant subjects.

LINGUISTICS: English, Two relevant Arts subjects and any other subject.

ENGLISH AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Use of English, Literature in English, Government or History or any other Arts subjects.

FRENCH: English, French and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.

ENGLISH LANGUAGE: Use of English, Lit.-in-English, one other Art subject, and another Arts or Social Science subject.

HAUSA: English, Hausa, Lit in English and any of Economics, Government, History, and Arabic.

HISTORY AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Use of English, History /Government and any other two subjects from Arts & Social Science.

ISLAMIC STUDIES: English, Islamic Religious Studies plus two other Arts subjects.

IGBO: English, Igbo, and two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.

MASS COMMUNICATION: Use of English, Any three Arts, and Social Science subjects.

MUSIC: Use of English, Music, one other Art subject plus any other subject.

PHILOSOPHY: Use of English, Any three subjects.

FUOYE JUPEB Admission For 2020/2021 Academic Session

RELIGIOUS STUDIES: English, CRK/IRS, and any two other subjects. YORUBA: Use of English, Yoruba, and two other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences.

ANTHROPOLOGY: Use of English, Any three of History, CRK/IRK, Geography, Economics, Literature in English, and French.

CRIMINOLOGY AND SECURITY STUDIES: English, Economics, Government, and any one of the following: History, Geography, Literature in English,‎ French, IRK, Hausa.

LAW: English, Literature, Economics, and any other Art Subject.

CIVIL LAW: English Language and Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.

ISLAMIC / SHARIA LAW: Use of English Language and Any three Art or social science subjects including Arabic or Islamic.

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